Our beautiful county of Rutland is famed for many things: delicious food, unrivalled scenery and, of course, cycling. Rutland is a hot spot for cycling enthusiasts of all calibres, whether they are novices or seasoned pros. And that’s no surprise. With varied terrains, 27 miles of track surrounding the beautiful Rutland Water, and countless, winding country lanes, locals and visitors alike love nothing more than taking in the exquisite views via two wheels.
But cycling isn’t just about being outdoors and increasing your FTP; it’s also about the camaraderie, connecting with others and, best of all, having the prime checkpoint for refuelling with gourmet grub and high-octane coffee to stop you hitting the wall. This is where The Hub and Spoke steps in.
Based in the heart of Oakham, The Hub and Spoke has been created with cyclists in mind. For many years, the best spots in Rutland for cyclists to stop and refuel have been roadside cafes, pubs and other overcrowded tourist traps. We are blessed to have some wonderful pubs, cafes and restaurants in the area, but like bikes, we decided that the formula for the right number of cycling café’s is N+1, where N equals the current number of café’s!
We wanted to create the perfect pit stop for cyclists. Our brand-new café and business hub offers health boosting food to fuel the next leg of your adventure, coupled with delicious, local coffee, sweet treats, and of course, fresh breakfast rolls. But it’s not just about the food- it’s about the space we’ve created.
Security of your bike is key concern, so we also provide secure bike racks in our private carpark, which are overlooked by CCTV cameras. For your own peace of mind, we display the CCTV footage in the café, so you can be sure that your prized possessions are safe. Afterall, you can’t buy happiness, but you can buy a bike, and that’s pretty close!
And it doesn’t stop there. Once we’re up and running, we’ll be hosting regular talks and evening events to help increase your cycling and health knowledge, and to connect you with others who share your passion over delicious food and maybe a glass or two of wine and beer too. What better way to kick off your weekend of cycling than by joining us at The Hub and Spoke?
For those who balance their bike life with business, our workspace offers a peloton of private offices, collaborative meeting rooms, and hot desking—perfect for drafting or grafting behind your desk, before breaking away on the weekends! To find out more about our professional spaces, please visit www.thehubandspoke.co.uk
With our gears set and the peloton ready, we're pedalling towards the grand opening of Rutland's newest cycling crucible. Gear up for a visit—whether you're rolling in on two wheels or strolling in on two feet, the ride starts here! It’s the perfect space to ‘fuel, focus & connect’, so come along for the kudos, and then ride on!